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Weak, frail and feeble-minded. Humans are mere mortals with a lifespan below 100 years, lower than any other creature that inhabits the valley. However, they have something that no other creature has; compassion.. Paired with their ability for innovation and success, this combination has led to the development of the Anti-Rug Corporation and will change the Web 3.0 world forever.




Being the gods of life and death, the Shinigami bring balance to the valley. They are the entities in-charge of bringing life as well as being the escort of those lost or taken. With distinct patterns against their pale white skin, it is said that the patterns determine how many people that Shinigami has escorted beyond death itself. It is said that their essences are imbued within the anti-rug serum. How and where they were extracted, no one will ever know..

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Sessho-seki is known as the legendary killing stone of Japan said to kill anyone that touches it. The part that was never explained is what happens to the souls of those that had touched the stone and died. Sessho-Sekirei are those whose souls have become entrapped by the stone and forever bound to earth, waiting for the next instructions of the stone itself. With rock like skin, as hard as their heart of stone, they will smite one of their own should the stone demand it.



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Feared and loved by people all around, the celestials have an iconic gem in between their forehead which holds the great secrets of the world.

It is rumored that they are warriors from a lost tribe and the original rulers of the valley.

Apart from that, no one else knows anything about them..

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