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Deep in the metaverse, lay a valley that is said to have closed themselves off from the rest of the world.

With their thriving economy and amazing technology, they are self-reliant and have built their own eco-system whilst remaining cut-off from society in their efforts to change the Web 3.0 space forever.

It is said that many have searched and failed to find the valley despite searching their entire life.


Anti-Rug Corporation

The Anti-Rug Corporation (A.R.C) was developed for the Web 3.0 space to bring aid to victims of rug pulls.

With A.R.C's latest development of their anti-rug serum, they had finally acquired the ability they required.

This allowed the A.R.C to re-animate and bring life to rugged projects within the metaverse, so as to give them fresh start in the Web 3.0 World.

NT Rug CorpLogo_edited_edited.png
Anti-Rug Corp

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